Friday, December 9, 2011

WEEKLY TEST [1st ] MODULE 2& 3 MEDIC MESIR 11’ & Answers

1.        Chemically, chromatin is formed of DNA conjugated with:
a.        Histamine
b.        Histone
c.        Proline
d.        .Hydroxyprolinc

2.        All the eukaryotic cells should at least contain one nucleus EXCEPT:
a.        White blood cell
b.        Red blood cell
c.        Plasma cell
d.        Fibroblast

3.        Heterochromatin is also called:
a.        Condense chromatin
b.        Visible chromatin
c.        Inactive chromatin
d.        All of the above

4.        In pyrimidine nucleotides biosynthesis, pyrimidine begins
 with the formation of carbamoyl phosphate from:
a.        Glutamine
b.        ATP
c.        Carbon dioxide,co2
d.        All of the above
e.        None of the above

5.        Which of the following amino acids is the smallest of all amino acids?
            a.Serine                       b.Alanine
           c.Glycine                      d. Valine

6.Which of the following amino acids can form a special covalent bond called a disulfide bond?
           a.methionine            b.cysteine
           c.  tyrosine                d.lysine                           
  7.All of the following are components of nucleus        EXCEPT:
a.        Nuclear envelop
b.        Chromatin
c.        Ribosome
d.        Sap
e.        Nucleolus
8.       Which of this followings is NOT the sites of heterochromatin:
a.        Chromatin island
b.        Peripheral chromatin
c.        Euchromatin
d.        Nucleolus-associated chromatin      
9. Which of the following amino acids is the largest of all    the amino acids?
       a.glutamic acid                        b.thyrosine
      c. tryptophan                           d.histidine

10.Melanin that causes pigmentation of the skin and hair will appear in the form of:
a.        Brown to black granules
b.        Green to yellow granules
c.        Purple to black granules
d.        Red pigment

     11.   During regulation of the cell cycle, what happen after the cell leave ‘S phase’?
a.        Cyclin A binds to CDK
b.        Cyclin B binds to CDK
c.        Cyclin D binds to CDK
d.        Cyclin D and E bind to its CDK
e.        None of the above
12.DNA replication occurs in the nucleus during the:
a.        G1 phase
b.        S phase
c.        G2 phase
d.        Metaphase
14.Desmin filaments are the intermediate filaments present in:
a.        Heart
b.        Muscles
c.        Liver
d.      Nervous tissue
15.Which of the following is true about purine catabolism?
a.        Uric acid is not the end product
b.        Adenosine deaminase acts on adenosine produces hypoxantene
c.        Xanthine are the products of guanine by xanthase
               d.Purine nucleoside phosphorylase acts on both inosine and guanosine

True or False Statement
(  T  ) for true& (  F  ) for false

1.             Peroxisomes generate their energy by oxidation of their substrates   (  )
2.             Microtubules consists of a protein called tubulin (  )
3.             Allosteric changes are one of the features of transduction that alter shape and function of protein.                (  )
4.             The types of chromatin are peripheral heterochromatin, heterochromatin islands and nucleolar associated heterochromatin.                                                      (  )
5.             Mitosis which takes place in somatic cell is included in cell cycle                       (   )

1.        Name two organelles that contribute to acidophilia in the picture of light microscope?(2m)
2.        Mitochondrial DNA is located in the ________________.
3.        Salvage pathway occurs primarily in  _________________.
4.        2 mechanism of cell death:

Objective Question                                                          True or False Questions
1. B                         11. B                      21.                          31.                          1T                        
2. B                         12. B                      22.                          32.                          2. T
3. D                        13. B                      23.                          33.                          3. T
4. D                        14. B                      24.                          34.                          4. F
5. C                         15. D                      25.                          35.                          5. T
6. B                         16.                          26.                          36.                         
7. C                         17.                          27.                          37.
8. C                         18.                          28.                          38.
9. C                         19.                          29.                          39.
10. A                      20.                          30.                         

Practical Questions
1.       A) sER            B)    mitochondria
2.       Matrix space
3.       Extrahepatic  pathway
4.       A.)necrosis B.)Apoptosis

1.Naim  23
2.Amirul Hafizi 20
3.Ikhteeyar/Thaqif 18

Usaha Tangga Kejayaan ....


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